Announcement Historic – DTM S2

Announcement of the Historic – DTM goes Britain

Sporting regulations

1. introduction

The SRC Historic series is organized in accordance with the provisions of the regulations of the SimRaceCommunity are carried out. It takes place in accordance with the Sporting and Technical Regulations of the series.

The competitions will be held in accordance with the SimRaceCommunity regulations, unless otherwise specified below or in the respective event announcement.

The series is supported by the following companies:

SRC Commerce UG

2. organization

2.1 Details of the titles and predicates of the series

The SimRaceCommunity, hereinafter referred to as the series organizer, invites tenders for the SRC Historic series for the year 2022.

Only vehicles in one of the following categories are used as vehicle classes:

Every driver can choose from one of the available vehicles of the DTM 91 – Mods by Tommy78. Vehicles that are not permanently assigned can be occupied by guest drivers. The “balance of performance” is the responsibility of the vehicle developer.

2.2 Name of the organizer/promoter, address and contact details

2.3 Simulation used

As part of the series, the simulation rFactor 2 including the required mod packages is used.

3. provisions of the series

3.1 Official language

In principle, all written and verbal instructions are issued in German. In exceptional cases, an English translation may be provided.

3.2 Responsibility, changes to the invitation to tender, cancellation of the event

  • Participants (drivers) take part in the event at their own risk. They shall bear sole responsibility under civil and criminal law for all damage caused by them, unless an exclusion of liability is agreed in accordance with this invitation to tender.
  • The invitation to tender may only be amended by the series organizer and the approving body. From the start of the event, changes in the form of bulletins can only be made by the Chairman of the ReKo, but only if necessary for reasons of safety and/or force majeure or due to official orders or if the information contained in the announcement regarding the length of the course, race duration, number of laps and officials or obvious errors in the announcement are concerned.
  • The organizer reserves the right to cancel or postpone the event or individual competitions for the aforementioned reasons. Claims for damages or fulfillment are excluded in this case.

4. nominations

4.1 Registrations/entries, eligibility to start

Registration is always possible as long as vehicles are available.

The application can be found here:

Online naming LINK

The series organizer reserves the right to change the series SRC Historic series if fewer than 10 participants are registered.

The entry list is live. Depending on the browser, the page must be refreshed. To change an entry, please contact one of the admins via: .

4.2 Eligibility to start

In principle, no training laps have to be completed, but the penalty increases considerably in the event of culpable misconduct.

0-29 training laps: Double penalty for culpable misconduct, on the track and during the event. This includes, for example, how we treat each other.

>30 training laps: Full starting authorization, normal penalty.

4.2 Entry fee for the season

There are no fees except for the purchase of the necessary mods. Tommy78 grants SRC members a discount of 2.50€. All information will be sent to all forum members via email.

4.3 Start numbers

The starting numbers will be adopted and selected as in the previous series.

4.4 Skins

Own skin designs are not used. Only the skins and vehicles included in the mod may be used.

5. licenses

5.1 Drivers and teams

All driver teams will be ranked as in the previous season. A driver change is possible at any time via the pit lane.

The pit spot allocation is carried out independently by the server.

5.2 Guest driver/guest start

Any interested driver can make guest starts with one of the vehicles available for the respective event.

5.3 Substitute driver

If a vehicle is already registered to a driver, a replacement driver can take over the vehicle at short notice and collect points for the former team.

5.4 Changing vehicles during the current season

It is not possible for a registered driver to change vehicles. However, if the vehicle is changed, all points remain with the previously driven vehicle.

5.5 Team change

See vehicle change 5.4.

6. events

6.1 General implementation

The races are usually held every two weeks on Thursdays. At each event there is a qualifying session (15 minutes) and two races of 100 km in length. The exact dates can be found in the race calendar (navigation on the main page).

6.2 Driver registration and waiting list

Basically, all drivers and teams are registered for all racing events of the respective season with the official registration in Discord.

If a rider is unable to participate in an event, he/she is obliged to deregister in the announcement thread of the respective event in good time, at the latest 2 days before the event.

If a rider culpably fails to withdraw from an event within this period for the first time, he/she will be warned. If riders are on the waiting list, the starting position can be given to a waiting rider by the race management at the end of the briefing.

In the case of the second culpably missed deregistration from a race event, the rider will be moved to the waiting list and the first rider on the waiting list will take his place in the season.

The race management decides on culpable neglect. If the driver cancels with other participants within the deadline, they should cancel the missing participant in the announcement thread within the deadline.

6.3 Maximum number of permitted vehicles

The maximum number of vehicles permitted is: 55

6.4 Implementation of the competitions

a) Training

If possible for the organizer, a training server will be made available for free training throughout the day and the entire time between races. Free training sessions are generally not streamed. Special training and test days will be announced in the race calendar. Special training sessions can be streamed by the organizer.

b) Qualification

Each driver has 15 minutes to drive his fastest lap – there is no limit to the number of laps.

ESC is prohibited during qualifying – this means that a driver may not use the ESC button to switch from the track to the pits. If the driver enters the pits despite the ESC ban, the vehicle may no longer leave the pits during qualifying. Use of the ESC button is permitted within the pit lane at your own pit space. The starting grid is determined by the lap times achieved in qualifying.

c) Start and pre-start

The race begins with the formation lap. It must not be overtaken! Overtaking during the formation lap is only permitted if a vehicle was late leaving the starting grid and the vehicles behind could not avoid passing.

The leader sets the pace, but should stick to a recommended speed of approx. 100-130 km/h. The start is on the fly.

The race is released by the leader.

The game automatically penalizes early starts with a drive-through penalty / Stop&Go penalty.

d) Scoring runs

The race duration for the SRC Historic DTM 1991 is generally approx. 100km (including the formation lap). The speed limit in the pit lane is set at 80 km/h on all circuits. At the end of the race, the vehicles are allowed to drive into the pit lane under their own power. The top three line up for the winner’s photo at the end of the pit lane.

A second race with the starting grid of the qualifying session can be held voluntarily by the drivers.

e) Pitstops

The pit stop times are set by the developer. In exceptional cases, the league management reserves the right to make adjustments.

f) Restart

After the server has switched to the race, there is no restart because individual drivers, for whatever reason, had a disconnect. Restarts due to accidents are also excluded. In exceptional cases – for example in the event of technical problems on the server – the race organizers reserve the right to initiate a restart. In this case, the originally planned race time will be adhered to if possible.

g) Track limits/ track limits

The track limits are always penalized by the simulation. There are 5 cut warnings set on the server side. With the 6th warning, the simulation awards a drive-through penalty.

If the race commission recognizes an advantage by shortening the course, it may impose separate penalties.

6.5 Race tracks

The routes are driven according to the specified race calendar. The calendar of events can be viewed on the SRC website or in the forum.

6.5.1 Weather conditions

The weather conditions are retrieved live from several weather stations closest to the race track and fed into the simulation. A suitable server plug-in is used as a weather data station. Weather data can be accessed via, for example.

6.5.2 Track conditions

Every track starts “green”, i.e. without grip, when it is put online or updated. The grip conditions change dynamically as the vehicles use the track. Rain washes away the grip already built up on the track. Dynamic lighting and weather conditions place high demands on the PC hardware. Each team must therefore ensure that smooth image reproduction is guaranteed on its own computer under all conditions.

6.5.3 Track boundary

The track boundary is indicated by a white solid line. Two wheels of the vehicle must always be within these track limits at all times.

6.6 Driving aids, damage and assistance

The following server settings generally apply. Exceptions or special regulations can be found in the invitation to tender.

  • Automatic clutch and gearshift permitted
  • Damage 100%
  • Normal tire wear
  • Normal fuel consumption
  • ABS: depending on vehicle, server side off
  • Traction control: depending on vehicle, server-side off

7. rating

7.1 Minimum requirements

To be counted, at least 75% of the total number of laps must be completed. If the connection to the server is lost due to client-side problems, only the laps completed online will be counted.

7.2 Points table and scoring mode

The following points are awarded for the scoring runs:

1st place: 20 points

2nd place: 15 points

3rd place: 12 points

4th place: 10 points

5th place: 8 points

6th place: 6 points

7th place: 4 points

8th place: 3 points

9th place: 2 points

10th place: 1 point

All results of the individual races are taken into account for the year-end classification.

There will be a 1x100km and a 2x100km championship classification.

7.3 Equality of points

If there is a tie between several drivers in the final evaluation, the greater number of first, then second and further places in all the races held will decide.

7.4 Additional points

The pole setter receives 1 bonus point.

The driver with the fastest race lap receives 1 bonus point.

The driver who wins the most positions receives 1 bonus point.

Each driver receives 3 bonus points for finishing the race by entering the pit lane.

7.5 Team ranking

The points are scored for the vehicles/teams available in the mod.

7.6 Title overall winner

The title “SRC Hirstoric – Champion” or other championship titles are awarded to the driver who has achieved the highest number of points at the end of the season. The winner of the drivers’ championship is entitled to claim the starting number 1 in the following season.

8. protest

An appeal is made to the fairness of the participants. The races will be screened by the organizer. Gross violations will be penalized by the race management.

9. TV rights/advertising and television rights

All copyrights and image rights are held by the organizer, including images taken from television broadcasts of the livestream (s).

All television rights to the series, both for terrestrial transmission and for cable and satellite television transmission, all video rights and all rights for exploitation by all electronic media, including the Internet, are held by the broadcaster.

Any kind of recording, broadcasting, repetition or reproduction for commercial purposes is prohibited without the written consent of the organizer.

Drivers can stream themselves and their race live. The organizer is free to link this stream or include it in the organizer stream.