Regulations 2023

Regulations of the SimRaceCommunity


Announcements of SRC events

1 Competition rules

The SRC season events, e.g. GT3 World Tour, are carried out in accordance with the following provisions in conjunction with the framework regulations applicable to the respective season.

1.1 Validity of these regulations

By registering, the drivers or legal guardians declare that they have read, understood and accepted the rules in full.

1.2 Wording and personal forms

For the sake of readability, no distinction is made between the masculine and feminine forms of address and the masculine form is used throughout. It is expressly pointed out that female participants are also permitted and welcome. We always use the personal form of address “Du”. If this is not desired, the league management must be informed in writing.

2 Participation

2.1 General

The SRC season events are one or more online championships. The organizer is SRC Commerce UG (limited liability). Anyone who owns the game rFactor2 and all required additional content and is at least 16 years old is eligible to take part in the championship. In exceptional cases, riders aged 12 or younger can also take part (consent of legal guardian required!). Younger drivers also undergo a fitness assessment. Furthermore, every driver must register in the forum with a real name, e.g. Max Mustermann, without any other (clan) abbreviations, numbers, special characters or fillers, and apply for a cockpit. The Simrace Community in Teamspeak, in the forum and on the servers always requires you to register with your real name!

2.2 Annual fee

There are free and paid events. Further details can be found in the calls for tenders for the series.

From 01.09.2021, interested drivers can pay an annual fee of 40 EUR (incl. 19% VAT) per season year (Septemper to September), calculated at 3€/month per driver, which covers the server costs and costs for any prizes. By paying this annual fee, the respective driver is entitled to participate in all seasons, fun events, special series and special events organized by the SRC. There are no further costs. The billing period is September to August of the following year. A GT3 summer and winter season are always included!

2.3 rFactor 2 and entering the server

If a driver does not appear on the server with the correct name, he must correct this situation immediately, at the latest when requested to do so by an admin. If he does not comply with a request, he can be removed from the server without comment. No participant in the championship may use another participant’s vehicle on the official race days. We also ask you to remove any unnecessary spaces in the driver’s name. This does not apply to fun events.

3. skins, vehicle paintwork

3.1 Specifications / Acceptance

To ensure good DX11 compatibility, the skins must be created in the following format:

DDS files for the skin with 4096×4096 pixels Important: select “DXT5 8bpp interpolated alpha” when saving, MipMaps = all The size of the numberplates of the SRC and the specified sponsors

SRC logos and number plates must not be changed or moved on the vehicle.

One number plate is fitted on the driver’s side and one on the passenger’s side; additional number plates (front or rear) can be placed as required.

The SRC specifies uniform windshield skins/banners, which may contain the league logo and the driver’s name as well as the registered vehicle number.

The skins must be sent to the address stated in the respective invitation to tender.

3.2 Special requirements

The design used must not violate netiquette, be offensive and/or insult other people. It must not violate applicable law or morality. Cigarette advertising, even in modified form, is prohibited.

By submitting the design used to the race organizers, the participants assure that they have respected any copyrights of image material, logos, advertising or the entire skin and that they are not infringing any copyrights on it.

Trademark rights for all logos used must be authorized by the copyright holder and sent together with the regular files!

3.3 The following files are required for a complete vehicle skin: / / vehicle.json

Additional skin files can be submitted voluntarily and will be incorporated into the final mod after the SRC has checked them. Excluded are windshield banners as well as the entire rear window of the vehicle and the flaps of the rear spoilers.

The race management reserves the right to reserve additional areas of the vehicles for its own lettering or sponsors in order to place our/their advertising there.

3.4 Skin updates

Skins and skin changes are always collected and updated at a suitable time.

4 side series / fun events

4.1 Starting authorization for fun events and side series

Every rider who has paid the SRC annual fee in full is authorized to participate in all fun events and off-season events without restrictions.

The league management reserves the right to override these rules in exceptional cases and, depending on the length of the course, to issue a different specification for laps driven. These are then announced in the corresponding thread in the forum.

4.2 Training

If possible for the organizer, a training server will be made available for free training throughout the day and the entire time between races. Free training sessions are generally not streamed. Special training and test days will be announced in the race calendar. Special training sessions can be streamed by the organizer.

4.3 Qualification

The time/number of laps for secondary series events and fun events can be found in the respective race calendar.

4.4 Race procedure/rules for FunCups, free events and side series

  • 1 server online 24/7 (if possible)
  • Route depending on the event
  • no streaming is planned on the part of SRC
  • There are currently no plans to award winners or honorary prizes
  • no compulsory rounds are necessary
  • no race commission is organized by the SRC
  • there will be a simple race classification with championship classification

Further rules:

  • fair driving is a prerequisite
  • Drivers who are not fair on the track can be reported to the league management by other participants. If more than 2 complaints are received about a driver, he will be permanently banned from the Funcup server. The same applies to participants who do not adhere to the polite manners of the Simrace community and will be reported.

5 Vehicle lighting

At evening or night events, the vehicle lights must be switched on by all participants at all times. If the vehicle lights are not switched on, the simulation will issue a DQ penalty.

6 Rejoin

Unless otherwise specified for individual events, server rejoin is possible in all stages of a race. SRC accepts no liability for incorrect use of the rejoin procedure or an incorrect rejoin process.

7 Driving regulations and rules of conduct

7.1 Communication

7.1.1 General

Insults or inappropriate interaction in any form of communication between the Simrace community and the organizer are strictly prohibited. The race commission reserves the right to impose penalties for inappropriate behavior during the event.

Inappropriate forms of communication include:

Chat spam during the event, regardless of the phase of the event

Entering “foreign” team channels in order to deliberately disturb/distract or insult them during the race

any insulting forms of address in the forum, chat, protests and Teamspeak channels

Penalties are imposed without warning, either directly or during a race evaluation. Such unsportsmanlike conduct can be reported to the league management via the protest form or by email to Screenshots or witness evidence for reporting the violation are necessary for punishment by the race organizers. In-game chat messages during training or events must include the date and time and will be based on the server log.

7.1.2 Teamspeak

On race days the presence with real names in Teamspeak is mandatory!




During an event, announcements can be made by race control via the TS whisper function. To ensure that this works smoothly, we recommend that all participants uncheck “Always open whisper history when whispered to” under “Options/Whisper”. to remove!

7.1.3 Forum/ Website/ Comments/ Chat

Every participant has the duty to inform themselves appropriately about the events. The main portal for this are messages in the Simrace Community Forum and the website

7.2 Chat and quick chat ban

After the qualifying session or race session has started, there is a strict chat and quick chat ban until “every” driver has finished their race! Failure to comply will result in a subsequent penalty. The only exception are instructions from the race organizers!

7.3 General

The usual recognized principles and rules of conduct in racing apply – it is important to act with fairness and overview. Accidents and collisions must be avoided by all available means. Drivers who leave the track may only drive back onto the track in such a way that other participants are not endangered or hindered. Vehicles on the route always have priority!

7.3.1 Briefing and bulletin regulations

All participating drivers are obliged to attend the briefing of the respective race. If a driver cannot be present himself or arrives late, he has to take care of getting the current information from the race management himself. During the briefing, route-specific adjustments to the race can also be announced verbally.

Bulletins will be published in the usual places for permanent changes to the regulations or invitation to tender.

7.4 Gentlemen’s Agreement

The gentlemen’s agreement always applies – according to which you should treat each other with the utmost respect on the track. If a driver spins or pushes another driver off the track and thereby gains an advantage, he should give this advantage back to the driver, i.e. he should let the injured party pass again at a suitable point within one lap.

7.5 Duel

In a duel, the opponent’s line must be respected at all times. If one rider has managed to position himself on an equal footing with another, both must keep their line. As a rule, drivers are on an equal footing if both vehicles are at the same height or overlap by at least half. To defend your own position, it is permitted to drive the so-called battle line.

A single line change is permitted before corners; a second change is only permitted if it is impossible for the opponent to be forced into a line change or extraordinary braking maneuver. Changing the line several times in order to block the opponent is prohibited. Changing lanes too late is also penalized if it makes it impossible for the vehicle behind to react and avoid a collision.

7.5.1 Duel in order

Duel in order

7.5.2 Racing accident: Both vehicles behave incorrectly

Racing accident: Both vehicles overlap significantly

7.5.3 Red vehicle causes the accident

The red vehicle intersects the line of the yellow vehicle

Red vehicle causes the accident: The red vehicle cuts the line of the yellow vehicle

7.5.4 d) Yellow vehicle causes the accident

The yellow vehicle intersects the line of the red one.

Yellow vehicle causes the accident: The yellow vehicle cuts the line of the red vehicle.

7.6 Lapping

When lapping, the driver of the vehicle in front must give way to the lapped vehicle at a suitable point (corner exit, straight) and, if necessary, reduce speed slightly. It is permissible to indicate readiness to overtake by flashing the headlights.

7.7 Rounding back

If a fast lapped rider tries to lap back, he should be allowed to do so for reasons of fairness and unnecessary fights should be avoided. The rider who laps back should be clearly recognizably faster and also pass the rider in front cleanly with a clearly placed overtaking maneuver.

7.8 Pit stop

In the pit lane, moving traffic has priority over vehicles in the pit area and in the garage. Vehicles coming out of the pits may only use the full width of the track after the end of the solid white/yellow line marking the extended pit exit. Crossing the white line will be penalized. Vehicles can collide in the pit area, causing damage to them. Sufficient space must be provided for following and parked vehicles.

7.9 Flags

All flags must be observed!

7.9.1 Yellow phase/ yellow flag

As soon as there is a yellow phase, there is an absolute ban on overtaking and the speed must be adjusted accordingly. Overtaking maneuvers that have begun must be completed before reaching the area marked with a yellow flag or must be terminated prematurely. If an accident occurs on the route, the corresponding section of the route is yellow, if a driver does not reduce his speed “sufficiently”, the driver in question is penalized. The accident site should be passed carefully and cautiously.

7.9.2 Green flag

The green flag indicates that an area previously marked with a yellow flag is open again.

7.9.3 Blue flag

The blue flag indicates that a faster vehicle is approaching and is ready to lap. The faster driver must be allowed to pass as quickly as possible at the next opportunity, within one lap of the race.

7.9.4 Black flag

A driver who is shown the black flag is disqualified and normally transferred directly from the simulation back to the garage. If the simulation does not implement the black flag, the driver must drive his vehicle into the pits and park it in his pit lane.

7.9.5 Driving against the direction of travel

If a rider rides against the direction of travel on the track or crosses the track against the direction of travel and thereby gains an advantage or endangers other riders, he will be disqualified. If the disqualification does not come automatically from the simulation, it will be pronounced either immediately or subsequently by the race commission.

8 Race evaluation

The race evaluation is carried out using the XML and VCR files recorded by the server. The server VCR will be made available for download in the league forum as soon as possible after the race. Championship standings can be viewed here .

9 Penalties

We have drawn up a penalty catalog for the season in order to standardize the work of the race management and to bring more transparency to the assessment of individual incidents for all drivers. The penalty catalog serves only as a guideline and is based on the DMSB penalty catalog.

If it is possible to set up a live race commission, this will be announced in the forum.

10 Protest

10.1 General

Any misconduct that does not comply with the rules can be submitted for a period of 48 hours after the 24-hour suspension period. Protests that are not submitted within this 2-day period will be deleted without comment. This also applies to protests that are submitted too early. It is mandatory to specify the race time using the server VCR. In addition, the respective race must be specified for two-part races.

10.2 Submitting a protest

Protests will only be processed in writing. These must be sent to the race management using the protest form. Protests by persons not involved will not be recognized. The protest form is available at

10.3 Protest format

The names of the protagonists involved as well as the respective time code/time stamp and, in the case of multi-part race events, the race concerned must be stated. The protester describes the event briefly and factually in the “Description” section. If possible, the driver positions are indicated. Personal assessments are to be avoided and will be judged as influencing the race commission. Such protests are dismissed without comment!

The time code can be taken from the server replay and can be found at the following location in the ingame replay:


10.4 Decisions of the race commission

If the race commission has to decide on a protest, it will examine the scene and announce a decision on the situation in question in the forum. It is planned to rotate a team member from one of the registered teams to the RK in order to maintain the greatest possible neutrality.

The race commission can also review and assess situations and award penalties without a protest having been received.

10.5 Situations worthy and unworthy of protest

Situations worthy of protest are incidents in which the opponent of the protest either deliberately or for his own benefit creates situations that give him an advantage or accepts the consequences of his actions. This also includes situations in which it is apparent that a driver does not have a sufficient view of the race and causes situations worthy of protest.

Situations caused by minor driving errors and where it is clear that the driver did not act intentionally or accept the consequences are not worthy of protest.

10.6 Inadmissible protests

Protests against the decisions of the race commission are inadmissible.

11 Server problems

The race organizers make a strict distinction between client-side (home-made) problems and server problems. Due to client-side problems on the race day of individual drivers, there will be no changes to the race day schedule.

Server problems exist when it is clearly evident that technical problems on the game server are causing irregular race conditions for one or more participants that do not comply with the regulations. If, contrary to expectations, there are server problems in qualifying, warm-up or the race, the following rule applies: If problems occur in or after qualifying, the previously experienced positions on the server will be adjusted.

If the server fails during the race up to a length of 50%, the race will not be scored and will not be repeated. A race that is not scored has no influence on the scratch results. If necessary, after a server failure on our alternative server, the race can be restarted in the form of a “safety car phase” with the last visible status.

Overtaking is prohibited on the first lap and vehicles must line up in a single file. The leader sets the pace. At the start-finish line, the leader then gives the race the go-ahead. Overtaking is only permitted once the start-finish line has been passed.

12 Technical provisions

Anything not expressly permitted by these regulations is prohibited. Permitted modifications must not result in any unauthorized modifications or breaches of regulations.

a) Driver equipment

It is assumed that a compatible steering wheel and pedals are used.

It is essential to use a headset (headphones with integrated microphone) for communication.

b) Software provisions

Each driver is responsible for owning the simulation to be used and other third-party software (if required), as well as their licenses.